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Category: family

Time to discuss…

I wanted to share some thoughts and ideas from my collection: I would describe the piece as a heart breaking, yet endearing collection of an elderly woman’s life. It is a collection celebrating the final year of an elderly lady’s life, with emotional stanzas and heartfelt lines, a time for reflection and goodbyes.

Let’s take a more in depth look at what you can expect from the book:

A beloved Grandmother, with many stories to share spanning over ninety years of a life well-lived. It’s her Granddaughter that picks up the pen to write the final chapter of her tale. Initially when her life is flipped upside down, Mel decides to document her Grandmother’s journey through a series of poems. As time went on, and things got progressively worse, the poems took a different turn. The poems follow an extraordinary lady through the last year of her life. There are the good days and the bad days, but mixed with light hearted humour, just as her Grandmother would have wanted. References made to dementia are open and honest, and make the collection a relatable one for many. Nothing is explicitly stated, it is down to the reader’s interpretation. The poems are ordered on the dates they were written to correspond with real time. But ‘those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day.’

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Writing Loss

One of the main themes that occurs in my poetry collection is loss. It’s something that we have all experienced, and if you have not yet, you will one day. People come to terms with loss and cope in various different ways. I have always found that I deal best with grief through writing about it. This mainly comes from writing poetry where I place my memories and thoughts onto the page, and it makes me feel better. It makes me feel calmer. If I can help just one person who may be struggling with grief, then I have done my job as a writer.

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sneak peek (daily routine)

With a while to go until release day, we wanted to share a sneak peek of one of the poems likely to feature in the upcoming collection:

daily routine
i paint your face in the wind
watch it blow around the street
before it disappears entirely
you left me a space in the kitchen
to wash your clothes daily
but you can’t wear these now
i wash them anyway and
fold them into a pattern that
reminds you of your first house

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